On EazeGames you play against matches that have been played by real people and are of a similar skill level as you are. Your skill level is distinct for every game on EazeGames, and based on your scores and performance in the past.
To join a head-to-head match, you pay an entry fee of which the service fee (16.66%) to EazeGames will be deducted. If you win, you will receive the prize as displayed. If you lose, you will receive nothing.
If we can't find you a match of an opponent of equal skill right away, we search for up to 4 days. If no match is found, you receive back your entry fee.
To join a scheduled competition with multiple players (i.e. a daily/weekly/monthly competition), you pay an entry fee as displayed. If you rank for a prize when the competition ends, you will receive the prize associated with that placing.
View your game results to stay up to date with the latest results, and keep an eye out for your notifications as they will notify you when the game results are in.